
899 Skokie Blvd #304

Northbrook, IL 60062


(847) 564-8755

The Mind for Health and Success Ultimate Goal Achievement Program

Self-Mastery & Recreating the life you desire

Are you currently….

  • Struggling w/ old issues and self-limitations affecting your health and success?
  • Feeling unable to make the changes you want? Is your life where you really want it to be?
  • Experiencing physical symptoms related to stress that persist during adversity or conflict?
  • Trying unsuccessfully to quit a bad habit, or change an undesirable behavior?
  • Feeling dis-empowered about your career, life choices, or current level of success?
  • Desiring to feel renewed, purposeful, and achieve new heights in wellness and success?

But – how can you rise above your current limitations and empower your mind to succeed?

Effective Solutions for Overcoming Barriers To Improve Wellness, Happiness and Success

Renew Your Life, Free Your Mind, Influence Your Destiny

Letting go of old ways and barriers, and influencing change can be quite difficult. However, our bodies and life experiences tell us when we are out of alignment with our higher desires and ideals. The keys to effective personal change and self-mastery can include self-awareness in seeing the greater picture, and redirecting the real power we have – the power of mind. Whether you desire deep healing of issues, cessation of a bad habit, rising to a career or life change, and achieving greater success, your effectiveness will increase when you have:

  • Inner motivation to succeed, and a wholehearted desire to rise above self-imposed limitations 
  • Greater understanding of your core inner issues, and self-insight regarding what you need to move forward 
  • A greater purpose to shift you into the right frame of mind for enhancing the results you desire 
  • Something very gratifying to replace old bad habits and beliefs that hold you back
  • Power of the mind to handle initial setbacks, and to prevent regression to old habits 
  • Stress and mood management skills, a vigorous body, and greater self-mastery over emotions and the body-mind
  • Tools for deep healing and wellness; and a clear desire to renew your health, spirit and true purpose 
  • Career-lifestyle exploration to discover your deeper values & desires, unique value and skills, and core purpose 
  • A clear vision of your desired future, plan of action, discipline, motivation, active effort toward your objectives 
  • The right “Why” as  a motivating reason for the goal can help an individual handle and discover within themselves the ways to achieve objectives, the secrets found within the deep mind and soul. 

Dr. Ben Allen is a clinical-health and success psychologist who provides unique self-mastery programs for lowering stress, supporting deep healing, and succeeding at life goals by addressing all the above factors.  He helps clients target key dynamics contributing to stress-related health problems, bad habits, weight loss challenges, and obstacles to happiness and success.  Sometimes, problems arise due to conflicting inner motives, and unmet needs.  Dr. Allen coaches a wide variety of empowering skills for overcoming such challenges, getting clear on what you really want, gaining motivation and passion, setting objectives and sub-goals, and enhancing desired results. 

Additional Services: Dr. Allen also provides professional testing for self-exploration, hypnosis & self-hypnosis, biofeedback – stress/mood management training, weight loss support, smoking cessation, career coaching, academic success training, and counseling. All programs are tailored to the unique needs of individual clients and are strictly confidential.