
899 Skokie Blvd #304

Northbrook, IL 60062


(847) 564-8755

Programs for Health Care Facilities

“Custom designed programs targeted to uplift the spirit and morale of management, staff, patients-residents, and families”

Stress is a major challenge in health care. Its costs include staff discord, low morale, high staff turnover, absenteeism, and employee health problems. Stress affects the quality of customer service, team cohesiveness and spirit.

  • Group Stress Management and Wellness Training Management and Staff Training Programs
  • Uplifting Programs for Patients / Residents
  • Management Consultation / Executive Coaching
  • On-Site Individualized Programs

(Biofeedback & Stress Management Training / Stress Evaluations)

Mind for Health Resources, Ltd.: Programs tailored to meet the needs and mission of your organization. As a psychologist with training in health care and business management, Dr. Allen provides management consultation, staff training, executive coaching, and upbeat activities for patients and residents. His programs are targeted to:

  • Enhance team spirit and morale among management, nursing and direct care staff
  • Identify and diminish staff challenges affecting quality of customer service
  • Coach practical skills that may enhance the health and wellness of management and direct care staff
  • Train attendees with practical stress-management skills that they can also teach to their own families, and to the patients receiving care and their families
  • Increase personal effectiveness and confidence through management consultation and executive coaching

Consultation and Needs Assessment: Dr. Allen provides an initial consultation to assess current organizational challenges and objectives, and design effective training goals and measurements for successful outcome.

Workshops and Training

  • Comprehensive stress management and wellness training – practical health skills to use and teach others
  • Customer service excellence: Enhancing purpose and effectiveness in serving patients and their families
  • Psychological approaches for helping patients manage pain and chronic somatic symptoms
  • Managing difficult patients with psychological conditions and / or organic brain disorders
  • Helping the concerned family, or helping the terminally ill patient
  • General psycho-educational topics to enhance understanding of patient issues (i.e., depression, seasonal affective disorder, anxiety, among other topics of your request)
  • Focus group and team building for staff cohesiveness

Patient Programs

  • Music programs (guitar & sing-a-long to nostalgic songs, interactive group involvement, rhythm instruments, active discussion about past eras, holiday songs, karaoke, talent show, “Name that tune”)
  • Stress management, breathing and wellness strategies to improve morale and quality of life
  • Career and lifestyle exploration (for post-rehabilitation patients)
  • Pain management (psychological approaches for managing pain and chronic somatic complaints)
  • Personal effectiveness: regaining confidence, purpose and commitment to daily goals
  • Understanding anxiety, depression and loss, and how to manage a positive outlook

Family Workshops

  • Stress reduction and wellness: Overcoming the challenges of stress on a caregiver’s health
  • Supporting the emotional needs of a recovering post-rehab or disabled family member

Additional Benefits

  • Combine programs on the same day (e.g., staff training, family workshop, and resident music program)
  • Opportunity to bring staff and their family members, and / or patients and families of patients to training programs if requested by your organization
  • All programs tailored to the needs and skill level of the participants. (Additional topics available upon request)
  • Design special workshop training programs to attract outside professionals for marketing your organization

Dr. Ben Allen

Dr. Ben Allen is a health psychologist who also provides staff training, management consultation, and executive coaching in health care. Dr. Allen completed much of his psychology training at various nursing and sub-acute care facilities, mental health programs, rehabilitation units, and hospitals. Throughout the years, he has worked with numerous children, adolescents, adults and seniors presenting with mental, physical, and cognitive challenges. He has trained medical students and residents, nurses, social workers, and management on a variety of psychological topics, including stress management.

Dr. Allen also holds a Master of Business Administration and many years of experience in marketing and sales. He has coached numerous professionals to achieve greater professional success and enhanced personal achievement. Dr. Allen is also a musician and a professional speaker. His workshops are fun and upbeat, and he offers encouraging programs to benefit health care organizations in today’s challenging marketplace.