
899 Skokie Blvd #304

Northbrook, IL 60062


(847) 564-8755

Mental and Physical Balance

Being Totally Mentally and Physically Balanced (The Science of Coherence)

In this hectic modern world, everyone is so busy and everything moves fast. It may seem as if there were never enough time to relax and achieve balance. Even with the conveniences of modern technology, stress related problems are on the rise. Medical professionals observe stress related illnesses among patients in significantly high proportions, including sleep, headache, and anxiety issues. Mental health medication usage is widespread. Ongoing stress and imbalance in efforts to achieve necessary daily goals can feel depleting, and make life zip by without the joy of being present.


The ideal many individuals strive for is to achieve balance – – that feeling of inner peace and tranquility, outward poise, and absolute connection to the moment. Achieving balance is healthy, and heals heart, mind and spirit. It also makes life more fun. Though modern life can be challenging regarding time and resources for achieving balance, here are some practical ways to create the experience on a regular basis for everyone. Additionally, biofeedback training offers a computer-aided program to observe and learn how to reduce physiological stress and anxiety, and achieve balance. These strategies are not complicated, but may require training from expert sources.

  1. Cardio Coherence: The active heart produces EKG – – electrical waves that vary in terms of frequencies, and affect states of mind and body. Imbalances in heart wave rhythms can manifest in feelings of anxiety, uncertainty, and irritability. Balancing EKG offers the fastest and simplest way to control anxiety. This can be achieved through practicing long and deep abdominal breathing, and heart rate variability biofeedback training.

  2. Vascular Coherence: This is the relaxation of smooth muscles in the blood vessels, which aid in their dilation increasing circulation outward to the extremities, indicated by increased warmth in the hands an feet. Relaxation of this system reflects itself in reduction of stress arousal, and the feeling of calmness. An effective exercise for this purpose is called Autogenics (hand warming), and can be enhanced through temperature biofeedback training.

  3. Brainwave Coherence: The active brain produces EEG – – electrical waves that vary in terms of different frequencies, and of which influences states of mind. To balance the mind and EEG, try meditation. Meditation helps diminish racing mind activity, and is one of the healthiest ways to feel mentally balanced. Mindfulness training focuses on being in the present moment with a soft, non-judgmental mental state. Each can be quite healing. In addition, achieve good quality sleep on a regular basis for restoring the mental battery.

  4. Muscular Coherence: Skeletal muscles help move the bones and mobilize the body. Excessive muscular tension can contribute to overall uptightness and stress, and lead to headaches and other pain conditions. Muscles remain overly tight when they don’t need to. Learning how to relax the muscular system can contribute to feelings of bodily freedom and poise, and some strategies include progressive muscle relaxation, stretching, good posture, and ergonomics (science of correct bodily movement and efficiency). Also consider muscle (EMG) awareness biofeedback for mind-body awareness and healing.

  5. Diet and Lifestyle / Physiology Coherence: Food, drink and substance affect mood and balance in a big way. “We are what we eat.” In addition to numerous physiological processes that need balance, blood sugar is of most importance. Hyper-stimulation of this system can lead to low blood sugar, which can trigger anxiety and imbalance states that can negatively overpower the day. Most of us are unaware at how caffeine and sugar (simple carbohydrates) set off moods and imbalance. A balanced mind and body can be influenced by nutritional awareness, a healthy and balanced diet, and healthy lifestyle.

  6. Physical Body-Mind Coherence: To achieve a high level of poise and balance, add body / mind strategies, including: exercise, yoga, chi gung, or tai chi. Learn to manage stress and anger to prevent the cascade of negative hormones that can set off tension throughout the mind and body.

Each one of these strategies works to achieve balance, and using two or more can add to the positive effect. Learn how to master your strategies of choice and you will have balance in action, and the ability to manage the most important goal of your day – – your peace of mind.