Mind For Health Resources, Ltd


899 Skokie Blvd #304

Northbrook, IL 60062


(847) 564-8755

ACT Test Performance Improvement

Want to Improve Your ACT Test Performance?

A unique training approach to achieve your best overall test performance

Scientists indicate that we only utilize only 10-15% of our brain capacity Learn how to master taking achievement tests & increase your mental capacity

(The ACT test is a game, as are other achievement tests. You can train yourself to be a better test taker!)

Excellent ACT test performance requires:

  • Knowing key strategies for success on multiple choice tests (thinking like the ACT test-makers)
  • Preparing mentally and physically for the ACT test – achieving “The Zone” of mental fitness
  • Energy management – – lower anxiety at will prior to and during the test
  • Positive mental attitude, self-confidence and faith in your mental abilities
  • Pacing skills, and a continuous ability to regroup, refresh your mind, and direct your focus
  • Performing under timed pressure w/ poise, clarity, attention, and keen organizational skills
  • Memory retrieval skills and good reading comprehension under timed pressure

Additional academic strategies for self-mastery of school and professional goals:

  • Learn how to learn concepts and information more efficiently and effectively
  • Enhance your memory for names, facts, concepts, textbook material, and mass quantities of data
  • Write better papers, take better notes, enhance creativity and intuition, and improve vocabulary
  • Learn how to study effectively for major tests, retain information in memory, and make studying fun
  • Acquire skills to improve performance on academic and entrance exams, and achievement tests
  • Learn how to set goals for learning and succeeding that are fun and motivating.  End procrastination!

Additional career topics and services offered:

  • Career testing to help you begin a path of career discovery
  • An overview of how to be successful in today’s academic and professional environments
  • Create a plan of action for a most desirable college major and academic / career path

Dr. Ben Allen is a clinical – health psychologist, career counselor, and academic success coach. Through 20 years of training and experience, Dr. Allen has acquired key principles and strategies for helping teenagers and young adults achieve success and find their desired purpose in today’s academic and professional environments. He also helps individuals learn how to lower stress and enhance confidence.

ACT Tips – Improving Your ACT Score

The ACT test holds a lot of weight in determining a high school student’s future. Colleges are more competitive than ever, and each additional point in the ACT score may offer greater choices of colleges. Also of importance is learning how to master achievement tests in general, as graduate schools often require tests that share many structural similarities to the ACT test (i.e., G.M.A.T. – business school, L.S.A.T. – law school, G.R.E. – graduate schools, M.C.A.T. – medical school). Here are some tips for improving expertise in taking such examinations.

  1. The ACT is a timed test: The key to successful test performance is timing and pacing. Keep a rhythmic pace, remember to breathe for reducing anxiety, and hold a relaxed but straight spine and motivated posture. Start from the first question and only skip over the questions that are most difficult.  Stay alert and answer questions one by one, keeping a flow.  Take a brief mental break after each sub-section to regroup.  Think positive, and stay centered.
  2. Motivated practice can improve your test performance: Take many ACT practice tests to familiarize your mind with each subsection. Become an expert at taking the ACT prior to the big test.  Purchase one or more practice manuals and learn and master all the rules and dynamics of the test.  Practice with a partner and teach each other, as this can significantly enhance learning and mental fitness.  If possible, seek ACT coaching by an expert.  Study hard for each subsection.
  3. Work harder on your weaker areas: Take steps to improve your performance on subsections that you find most challenging. Get tutoring if necessary.  Try to really master the difficult subjects.  This will add points to your score, and enhance your self-confidence to accomplish future life challenges and hurdles to success.  Of major importance is to practice reading and comprehension of science and reading sections under timed pressure.
  4. Practice stress management: The ACT test is a pressured event. Being a timed test, and it can be difficult to complete all responses in each subsection. Not to mention, ACT like any entrance exam can determine your future, and stir up significant testing anxiety.  Therefore, it is critical to minimize anxiety.  Learn and practice stress reduction strategies, including abdominal breathing, pacing, and stating positive self-affirmations.  Be mentally prepared for the challenge through prior practice and rehearsal.
  5. Be prepared: Take one or more realistic three-hour practice exams, preferably in a room similar to where the test will take place. This will make your practice exams as realistic as possible.  Practice relaxation strategies, while imaging yourself as confident and successful in taking the test.
  6. Practice mental and physical fitness: The mind as well as the body needs fitness to be optimal at the time of testing. Develop an attitude of mental fitness.  Build your memory, practice reading and comprehension, eat healthfully, avoid stimulants and / or sugar-laden food if they make you feel anxious, get good sleep, and take time every day to exercise and be outdoors.  Build your brain into a well-oiled machine!
  7. The day of the test: Be kind to yourself, get a good night’s sleep, and never “cram” to prepare the night before or in the morning. Go to sleep with a sound mind.  After you awaken, lie in bed and take ten minutes to relaxation breathe and create a great mental state.  Passively image yourself taking the test successfully.  See it, feel it in your body, and imagine completing the test feeling like you performed successfully.  Then gently get up, take a hot shower, and keep your mind quiet and balanced.  Drink two glasses of water, listen to your favorite music, and wear your favorite clothes. Arrive early to the test to allow plenty of time to prepare your mind and reduce stress.  Find a quiet place away from other people who might look nervous and influence your own anxiety.  Collect your thoughts, breathe and relax, and establish a positive frame of mind for the test.  Continue to affirm and image success.