
899 Skokie Blvd #304

Northbrook, IL 60062


(847) 564-8755

Specialized Wellness Treatment Plans

Dr. Ben Allen is a clinical psychologist but also a provider of wellness and natural world skills to support a better quality and experience of life. At the onset of counseling, and throughout the timeline of services, your individual goals and objectives are of utmost importance. Please consider the following questions prior to the first session:

  1. What issue(s) are you currently struggling with, what are your main concerns, and are there any areas of your life where you feel stuck or challenged?
  2. Do any of your concerns or challenges hold you back from activities and situations that you would normally do and enjoy?
  3. What do you want in life, what are your deepest and most desired values as you move forward in your life?  What are the values that you want to move toward?
  4. If there were 3 goals you were willing to commit toward with spirit and tenacity today, what would be different and better about your life 3 months from today?
  5. Are you motivated to work toward better quality and experience of life, and build a structure of goals and objectives to account for and keep on the path set by you?
Dr. Ben Allen wants to help you begin on a path set by you, with his blend of treatment and coaching strategies in mental and physical wellness, academic and professional success, and natural world life skills. The first session may include interviewing and an evaluation to help you explore and define your individualized wellness treatment plan.

Dr. Ben Allen – Mental Health and Wellness Services

Clinical Psychology: With new clients, I provide an initial clinical interview and we collaborate on treatment goals and objectives. I offer a more extensive mental health evaluation if needed. I help a client gain clarity and insight regarding their stressors, symptoms, triggers, emotions, personal challenges, and behaviors that may be contributing to anxiety and / or depression. I help a client in managing life crises, and I provide family support. I educate clients on mental health and wellness, to understand how anxiety is manifested, and to cope better and feel more in control.


Counseling and Psychotherapy: I specialize in the treatment of Anxiety Disorders and Stress-Related Challenges (i.e., situational life stressors and issues contributing to anxiety, general anxiety, phobias, panic attacks, social anxiety, somatization disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, test and performance anxiety, and other struggles related to mental health). My treatment model includes Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy focused on helping clients empower their thoughts and influence positive behaviors, Psychodynamic Therapy to help clients resolve old issues and restore positive well-being, and Treatment Modalities and Tools for Coping which provide practical behavioral health strategies that support a calmer mental state, and greater self-reliance in clients managing stress in daily life. Counseling I help a client work through issues of concern as they navigate and face life challenges and transitions.


Health Psychology: A behavioral health and wellness program to support a client’s health care goals. I provide a behavioral health evaluation, and assess factors that may be contributing to health-related symptoms, including stress and anxiety, life challenges, diet and lifestyle, environmental triggers, and internal emotional triggers. I create structured treatment goals that support a healthier lifestyle and the reduction of any contributing factors that may be under the control of the client. I teach the client coping and restorative strategies, to help feel more in control of anxiety and stress. I include the use of biofeedback and a variety of supportive behavioral health approaches to help the client gain internal awareness for stress reduction. Some health conditions I often work with include: pain disorders, headaches, back pain, disorders related to muscle tension, TMJ, Irritable bowel syndrome, seasonal affective disorder, hypertension, traumatic brain injury, sleep disorders, habit cessation, among other challenges that may benefit from a behavioral wellness program.


Biofeedback Training: a computer-aided training process helping teach clients internal self-awareness, self-regulation of stress and anxiety symptoms, and restorative mental, physical, and behavioral coping strategies. There are several biofeedback modalities that can be helpful for behavioral health treatment and for general stress management.


EMG biofeedback measures surface muscle tension, and can be used to bring to awareness the challenges of dysponesis, or faulty ergonomic posture, misplaced efforts, or unnecessary tensing of muscles. Dysponesis can lead to overuse syndrome, chronic muscle tension, injuries, headaches, and chronic pain disorders. Mental stress can also contribute to excessive muscle tension, often a common way of coping. Through awareness of tense muscles, a client can use the EMG biofeedback to learn to correct unhealthy posture, relax certain tense muscles, correct habits of tensing, relearn to feel relaxation and restoration of those muscles, and retain a more agile and healthy kinesthetic awareness in daily life.


Other Biofeedback Modalities: (GSR-palm sweat, Finger Temperature, Blood Pressure, Breathing, Heart Rate Variability, Blood Volume Pulse, and EKG) provide a means for internal awareness of stress and tension, and I teach a variety of self-regulation strategies to aid in reducing nervous system arousal, and support restorative skills for better coping and wellness.


Wellness Home Practice and Treatment Plan: I provide a client practice assignments to support health goals, training and education, and strategies to integrate coping and wellness in daily life. I provide training for parents or partners of a client for home support when requested. My practice model offers a client a proactive approach toward mental health and wellness, training and skills-building for greater self-efficacy and optimism, and stress management skills for life.

Dr. Ben Allen Coaching Services

Optimal Functioning for Wellness: full spectrum biofeedback, general stress management, and wellness training program. Self-restoration and self-regulation skills for life! Learn and experience the benefits of time-tested strategies for feeling optimal, and lowering anxiety and physical and mental tension. Learn skills that support health improvement and overall well-being. 1-3- (brief), 4-8- (moderate) and 10-session structured training programs. Education and experience!

Optimal Functioning for Success: Structured training strategies to help assist a client in functioning more optimally in their current activity (i.e., fitness and health, sports, music or theater performance, public speaking, skill enhancement, academics, career, entrepreneur, and starting a business, marketing and sales). I utilize principles derived from optimal functioning, sport psychology, sales, and motivational training, career counseling, stress management, anxiety-reduction, cognitive-behavioral therapy, biofeedback and self-regulation, academic and mental fitness, executive functioning cognitive training, mind intent and mental strategies for focus and achievement, among other modalities based on a client’s needs.

Certified Workspace Ergonomics Training: Dr. Allen is trained and certified to provide a standardized assessment of a client’s work station, functional behaviors at work, and ergonomic challenges between the client and the work station setup. Ergonomic training helps promote optimal functioning and a healthy mind throughout a workday, improve healthy functioning in the workspace, and alleviate any dyspnoesis – bad habits of tensing and improper use of body posture & mechanics. Dr. Allen also provides EMG muscle biofeedback to demonstrate any unnecessary muscle tension and unhealthy posture while in a workspace. Dr. Allen has an ergonomic workstation and various tools to help a client learn work wellness principles.

Academic and Cognitive Skills: Assess academic and cognitive strengths and challenges. Learn strategies for improving mental and academic skills, and for making learning more fun and empowering. Improve memory, and discover how to more effectively absorb information from textbooks and readings. Learn how to set up a semester academic plan, structure future assignments, stay current with homework, and discipline good study habits. Learn how to self-regulate emotions when working, and focus on taking good notes and paying attention in class. Learn strategies to reduce test anxiety, and prepare for and perform more successfully on exams. For challenges with attention and executive functioning, Dr. Allen offers skills to improve coherence (calm-balanced mind), impulse control, and self-regulation of anxiety & behavior.

Career and Success Coaching: Career Assessment (explore career interests, core values, personality style, most desirable factors in a career, and ideal life goals), Career Development Process (discover skills and talents, explore various careers, explore potential college and graduate school majors, learn skills for doing career and company research on the internet and at facilities that support a career search, learn how to informational interview individuals in potential careers, gain key information toward making the most optimal career path decisions), Job Seeking Skills (create a good resume, cover letter template, a clear way to state and demonstrate your value, and 30-second pitch that conveys your value to a potential employer), (learn key networking resources and ways to market for yourself for jobs, learn important interview tips that build rapport with the interviewer(s), learn how to be ready and poised in an interview and have good follow-up, and to stay optimal and focused daily during a job search. Career Success Skills (create a life plan, set goals for 1-5 years ahead, learn strategies and principles to stay optimal, and learn how to gain the support of mentors and a professional network).

Kung Fu Room Training: Dr. Allen holds a 3rd Degree Black Belt in Northern Shaolin Eagle Claw Kung Fu, with additional ongoing training in Iron Body Kung Fu. He has 27 years of martial arts training. He has an extra office with a 100 sq. ft. padded floor for training a client in basic Kung Fu and Kick Boxing skills. There is no contact with the client. Dr. Allen holds kicking and punching focus pads, allowing a client to learn a healthy form of fitness, precision Kung Fu techniques, and strength-building skills. He also teaches Chi Gung (deep relaxation, stretching, breathing, energy enhancement), Meditation, and various mind-body skills for wellness and optimal functioning. Kung Fu and active mind-body skills private training offers a way to learn valuable biofeedback and self-regulation/stress management skills in action, and ancient principles that help build inner strength and healthy kinesthetic awareness.